Now that our inaugural issue is send to our amazing backers, it is time to look ahead. We have a few existing features we want to address as well as announce a few new ones.

Let's Explore Magazine - Printing Process

Let's Explore Magazine - Printing Process

Let's Explore Magazine - Printing Process

Right of the bat, here is what we’re looking forward to be working on this year. First of all, we will be publishing a couple of new stories in our online features section. Which of course is always open for submissions. Secondly, we are already working on the theme for our next printed issue. So stay tuned for its announcement or sign up for the newsletter, to be amongst the first to find out.

Let's Explore Magazine - LEM00

On to the new stuff

Shop till you drop…or until the store is empty

To make all our new plans easily accessible, we will be reshaping, rebuilding, redesigning and reorganising our online ‘home‘. One of the major additions to our website will be our shop. With an extra investment made – besides the funding of the first print run of our printed publication – we created a limited stock of Issue 00 and a fair amount of LEMerchandise. Both will be available in our shop soon!

Let's Explore Magazine - LEM00

Expanded features section

The new website will also be host to a new category in our features section, namely: Be | Long | Ing. This will become the online partner of the recently launched 00-issue, themed: BeLongIng.
If you would like to respond to a story in the magazine with a story of your own, if you already have a story that fits the theme and you would like to share that with the world or you want to make a story that fits this theme, please reach out to us and we will look into publishing your work on the website.

Let’s keep the exploration of BeLongIng going.

Let's Explore Magazine - LEM00

The Big Announcement

With launching Let’s Explore Magazine (LEM), we simultaneously registered and launched the company Let’s Explore Publishers (LEP)! The main goal is to help others tell and publish their story in their own publication, online platform or both. From this moment on – besides collaborating with storytellers on stories for LEM – we are looking forward to be working together with you, making your dreams come true as well.

So, if you are thinking about launching your own magazine, creating a to be published story, making a book or looking to launch your own online platform, please get in touch and let’s create something beautiful together.

Let's Explore Magazine - LEM00

Let’s build

There you have it. Just a few of our plans for 2016 and we’re incredibly excited to keep on building, collaborating, exploring and of course creating! Have an amazing year and if you have any questions, suggestions or just want to say HI…please, don’t be a stranger.



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