Let's Explore Empowerment with [xxx]

Can a person thrive in a refugee camp — or do they merely survive?

Humanitarian power play

Humanitarian NGOs should be among the organisations we can rely upon most confidently to empower the people they exist to serve. But as Nathalie Meier explains, sometimes the very definition of empowerment that we chose to adopt can make it hard for NGOs to work effectively.
Empowerment, whether of individuals or communities, is a term commonly heard in the humanitarian sector. If a humanitarian organisation has succeeded in giving authority or power to an individual or community, it has met the gold standard in the sector.


Rachael Talibart is a professional seascape and coastal photographer. Her critically acclaimed photographs of the ocean and coast have been featured in the press all over the world. Rachael is represented by galleries in Europe and the USA, her work is frequently exhibited and her limited edition prints are collected internationally. She is the author of three monographs, including ‘Sirens’ and, most recently, ‘Tides and Tempests’ and she writes for photography magazines. Much of Rachael’s early childhood was spent at sea. This has left her with a life-long fascination for the ocean in all its forms, but especially in stormy weather. Rachael travels widely for her photographs but retains a special fondness for the South of England and many of her images are created there. Rachael’s first career was as a solicitor in the City of London. In 2000, she left her City career and now works full-time on her photography.


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