Ever since we started shooting film, we noticed our intentions when capturing a scene were changing. At first, we were aiming for perfection, as in a clean shot, not using/sharing an image if a bird in the sky unbalanced the image, if a reflection in a window took attention away from what mattered to us or if the angle wasn’t right.
Now, the clean shot we’re looking for, isn’t that specific anymore. We’re trying to capture what we are experiencing, in any way possible and sharing that special moment with whomever wants to be part of our story. Even if the shot taken isn’t perfect in composition or development and something unexpected happened, like in this shot…we still don’t know what happened in top of this image. The image becomes a conversation piece, instead of a thing of its own.
We’ve noticed that, for instance, sharing our FuckUps (thank you Ray) felt liberating and that it can spark conversation, which in return can spark inspiration for anybody involved in that conversation. It’s turning into a manner of creating and sharing work that can elevate ourselves and hopefully others as well.
We recently started scanning our own film and it provided us with yet another layer in the process that is explored with film photography. Again, we’re moved and inspired by all the possibilities presented and can’t wait to share our findings, hoping others will do the same.
So stay tuned for more self-scanned images, experiments, FuckUps, mishaps and happy accidents. Celebrating creative freedom, as we venture towards our next printed issue.