Let's Explore Perseverance with Marcus Leach
Going the extra mile
The road ahead is long, longer than I care to imagine. But it’s not nearly as long as the one that has lead me to this point, the starting line of BikingMan Oman and my first ultra cycling race.
For months I have been cycling a stretch of road that doesn’t show up on maps, old or new. It’s a place where, relatively speaking, few go. But I’ve learnt that those who choose to travel it are rewarded handsomely for their efforts, especially those who venture there on a regular basis. It’s here, on the extra mile, that life’s achievements and successes distinguish themselves from the masses.
Now, as the hands of time slowly tick towards the hour mark, a sense of calm washes over me, a final moment of contemplation for what lies ahead; 1050km through the mountains and desert of Oman, potentially three days of cycling. Despite all that I’ve done to be here, seconds away from the start, a little voice interrupts my thought process.
I’ve spent years learning to control this voice, to quieten it through repeatedly pushing past the limits that it tries to impose on me, proving it wrong with a focus and determination that it struggles to match. But in these moments of personal reflection before such an undertaking, it finds a little corner of my mind in which to softly whisper its doubts as to my ability to achieve what lies ahead.
Marcus Leach is an adventure athlete, speaker and writer based in Wales, UK, with a love for the mountains and continually pushing the boundaries of what is thought to be possible. His desire to take on new challenges sees him travel the world to compete in some of the toughest sporting events and speak with businesses on creating a mindset for change and success. Marcus has regularly been commissioned to write in print and online magazines.