Let's Explore Perseverance with Ed Worthington

Lost in translation
Around three years ago, I sat down with a brochure on adult learning, that I’ve stumbled upon in my grandparents’ house. I’m browsing through the pages of beginner’s pottery and basket weaving. Not really what I was looking for.
I know I’m looking for the pages about languages but I haven’t found them yet. When I find it, at first I’m disappointed, I’d been looking to perhaps learn German but it doesn’t look like there’s a course running this year, I don’t fancy French or Spanish as I’ve never really had an interest in either of those. I spot Italian and I think “hey what the hell? I like Italian food after all. Why not?” And just like that my journey starts. Fast forward to the present, I am far from fluent, my accent is acceptable, grammar terrible, but I feel like I’ve learnt a lot, both linguistically and as a person.
Ed Worthington lives and works in Cardiff, Wales in the UK and is a part-time photographer, shooting mostly film. Mostly concentrating on landscape and street photography. He likes the smell of old leather, the feel of a good analogue camera, history, travelling and has been learning to speak Italian.