Let's Explore Perseverance with Monika Danos
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It would have been so easy to spend the entire day sulking
There I was, August chilly in a rented stone house in Wales. Nearly alone. Alone for all practical purposes, making a frustrated route up and down stairs, through the kitchen to entry to lounge and back again. Too tight to sit still and read; if I had even brought that type of thing on this vacation.
It was our first vacation travelling to Europe as a family. Our children were youngish and travelling with children is a different game than travelling without. We were more than a week into our trip and we, the adults, are of the do-as-much-as-you-can, fill-every-minute,
rest-when-you’re-home variety of travellers. Children do not have the same sense of time rushing by, that a moment missed today might be forever gone and never reclaimed. They know when they are tired and just want to be not busy.
The agenda for the day was to visit Conway Castle and just as we were about to leave, my youngest announced that she wasn’t feeling well. Taking an ill child on an hour or more car trip seemed like asking for trouble. Off went my husband with our elder daughter. And behind I stayed with the other, who settled herself into her room with some quiet activities. An hour or so later and it became clear that all she had needed was some time alone, unrushed, unfilled.
Monika Danos developed her love of art and photography while growing up. It was when her mother took an Introduction to Photography course at a local art school that Monika’s interest in darkroom printing took root. An engineer by profession, Monika lives in Seattle, WA with her husband and two children. When not taking care of daily life, she can be found chasing shadows with her camera, or printing in the darkroom.