Let's Explore Empowerment with Allysse Riordan

I am Autistic am I
I do not know anything about autism, but it is not me. That much I am sure of, because I am nothing like the child of my mother’s friend who used to terrify me. I am nothing like the people I interacted with at work as a librarian — their eyes avoiding mine, their routine rigid to the point of being lost if I was not at the counter at the right time of day.
Allysse Riordan explores her journey to a new self-identity — and the challenge of uttering three life-changing words.
Allysse Riordan (she/he/they) is an image maker, writer, sound artist, and micro-adventurer (not necessarily in that order). At the source of her work are her journeys and every day life. Through non-fiction pieces and imagery, she recounts the personal stories she encounters in her daily life and during her travels, taking the reader/viewer/listener outdoors with her. She becomes the guide through which the audience can embark on a journey in a particular space and time, noticing the small things of everyday life, meeting strangers, exploring new landscapes, and delving into her inner world.